

そこで今回はこの季節にぴったりな濃厚なクリームパスタをご紹介します♪ スモークサーモン&ほうれん草という定番の具材ですが、どこか北欧も感じますよね。実際にフィンランドでもサーモンと青色の野菜を合わせてパスタを作ることがあります。



スモークサーモン 30g
ほうれん草 1株
スパゲッティ 80g
長ねぎ 10cm
オリーブオイル 小さじ1/2

パスタの茹で汁 75ml
サワークリーム 50g
薄口醤油 小さじ1/4
黒こしょう 少々



Only one week left of October… It’s starts to feel like autumn with chilly nights, so I might not be the only one who wants to eat something creamy and delicious…

This time I introduce a both Japanese & Finnish classic, smoked salmon & spinach pasta – of course with a Nordic twist (and a hint of Japanese taste too).

The point of this pasta is to use sour cream instead of normal cream, as the sour cream not only gives it a nice tangy taste, but it also gives the sauce the needed thickness without adding flour. With salt from pasta and smoked salmon, all you need is to add a little bit of light soy sauce to bring out all the umami in the dish that is perfect for autumn lunch!

Smoked Salmon & Spinach Sour Cream Pasta (makes 1 portion)

30g Smoked Salmon
1 Spinach
80g Spaghetti
10cm piece of Leek
1/2 tsp Olive Oil

75ml Boiling Water from Spaghetti
50g Sour Cream
1/4 tsp Light Soy Sauce
A hint of Black Pepper

1) Boil spinach in salted water and sprinkle with some soy sauce before squeezing excess water off. Cut off the stem and cut into 5 cm long pieces. Cut leek into 1 cm rounds and smoked salmon into 2 cm pieces.
2) Boil spaghetti in salted water until al dente.
3) Put olive oil into a frying pan, turn to medium heat and add leek. Sauté quickly and add also spinach and salmon, and sauté until salmon changes color. Add boiling water from spaghetti and sour cream, and mix gently until sour cream has dissolved. Season with light soy sauce.
4) Sieve ② and add into ③. Mix gently to cover spaghetti with the sauce and move to a plate. Sprinkle with some black pepper for finishing touch.
