





生サーモン 300g
オリーブオイル 小さじ1/2

水 大さじ2
醤油 大さじ1.5
日本酒 大さじ1
みりん 大さじ1
砂糖 小さじ1
生姜 1cmの片

ごま 適量
小ねぎ(小口切り) 適量

麦ご飯 2人分
お好みのサラダ 適量



Olympics ended last weekend, but the heat wave in Tokyo keeps on going… The difference in temperature outside and inside may rise to 15℃, so it’s no wonder many are catching a summer cold besides COVID being rampant in the city.

Many also lose their appetite with the hot weather, and ‘stamina donburis’ are a popular menu to bring your appetite back. This time I’m introducing a summer-proof donburi that is popular in Finland, i.e. salmon teriyaki donburi. Ready-made teriyaki sauce is sold in Finnish supermarkets, so it’s seen as easy way to prepare your barbecue dish – just wipe you fish or meat with the sauce, grill and you are done.

Instead of a store-bought sauce, I recommend you to make your own, as it’s not hard at all and most likely, if you are a fan of Japanese food, you already have all the ingredients in your fridge!

Salmon Teriyaki Donburi (makes 2 portions)

300g Fresh Salmon
1/2 tsp Olive Oil

<Teriyaki Sauce>
2 tbs Water
1.5 tbs Soy Sauce
1 tbs Sake
1 tbs Mirin
1 tsp Sugar
1cm piece of Ginger

<For decoration>
Some Sesame Seeds
Some Chives or Spring Onion

<For serving>
2 portions of Barley Rice
2 portions of your favourite salad

1) Peel ginger and grate it. Mix all the ingredients of the sauce together.
2) Put olive oil into a frying pan and turn to medium heat. Put salmon on the pan skin side down, and sauté until gets some color. Turn gently around and sauté the other side too. Turn once again, pour ① over and keep simmering while scooping the sauce over the fish until the sauce starts to thicken.
3) Put barley rice into two bowls, top with salad and ②, and finish with some sesame seeds and chives.
